Now i ask, Are You Doing it for Yourself or Doing it for Others ?
– In Gary Vaynerchuk’s words, “When doing it for yourself, there is no rush. The timeline isn’t urgent because you love the process.
When you do it for others approval or acceptance, the timeline is always too close and right in your face.”
Timelines are essential, be it for anyone. Without timelines there could be unnecessary waste of time & time is money.
Be yourself, be YOU and know that the world needs more people who aren’t afraid to show their real selves, their real personalities, their light, and their beauty, because the moment you allow yourself to just be, the moment you will “let your own light shine, you will unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As you’re liberated from your own fear (of being you, fear of being judged, fear of not being accepted, loved, etc.) your presence will automatically liberate others.”
When you love the process, things slow down and get a lot more fun. When you love the process, you’re enjoying your day to day so much that you forget about time and as a result you realize how patient you’ve become If you’ve been struggling with patience, it helps you to do something you enjoy because by doing it everyday, you lose track of time and become more patient as a natural byproduct.
It’s tough to force patience. Let patience happen naturally. You got this. Tell the others thank you for their words, and to keep on walking because they’re disrupting your flow, this is exactly why people get consumed with urgent work instead of important work.
You have to find joy in the journey or you will always be waiting for the destination and will never find happiness, watching other people’s success is wasting time. Spend the time you waste watching other people do on a side hustle that can turn into so much more if you let it.
What you see on social media is 1% of what is actually happening. No one is sitting on that many beaches and checking into so many 5 star hotels in reality. Cars are being rented, photos can be taken and a life can be made up – even lied about. People are getting too caught up in the good parts people show on social. Cameras are not on 24/7 to see everything!
It happens to a lot of people. They keep pushing to get to a “destination” without realizing happiness is right in front of them every day in the work they are doing. Life is a journey and death is the destination. ENJOY the journey. Day by day slowly chip away when doing it for yourself. The burn out rate is much lower if not at all. Happiness and inner joy takes hold, progress comes in small steps to bigger opportunities. Build slow, invest small, go at a steady even pace. The long game!
If when you do it yourself and suddenly there is no sense of urgency and before you know it, you’re much older and still not much further. the truth is you haven’t got that much done. You just wanted to. Luck is a very important factor in life. There are many people who did great stuff and were nowhere near to being successful for most of their lives. So all that means is you got as far as you were prepared for. There is nothing wrong with that, especially if you enjoyed the ride. You can achieve “success” without having something tangible to show for it. Like the song says you get the satisfaction of doing it “My Way”.
Wherever you are, you got yourself there. If it’s not far enough, then the guy in the mirror is the one to ask.
Did he give it 100%, 50%, 110%?
Did he do his best?
Can he do better?
You invest more time, because it‘s your passion. The decision is not made rational, look at the pareto principle 80/20. in 20% of your time you will already achieve 80%. Spend only 20% the difference will be not so big!
When you do it for yourself, you are fulfilling something much deeper. Something that you can’t describe but just feel inside your Gut! One favorite quotes is “If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs”. If you aren’t reaching for your dreams/ goals in life, you are basically sitting still! Move forward, life is too short for the anxiety and stress you experience when living on someone else’s schedule. When you work for yourself… that anxiety and stress doesn’t leave but it feel so much better because you are the one reaping the rewards for your hard work.
The chase is exhausting. I’d rather try something, evaluate, iterate, and try again. When you do it for you and your vision comes to life and you live your dream. When you chase what you are “supposed to do” or what others are doing, you constantly feel judged and left behind because you’re not doing it fast enough.
When you love what you do, you just appreciate that you get to do it and get paid. You don’t focus on rushing. There is no destination. It’s the journey you love and can allow yourself patience. Find what you love to do and figure out a way to pay your bills doing it. When it’s for you, you can go at a rate that works for you and LOVE every minute of it
Remember all those times you thought in your head “why don’t you do it like this as opposed to like that?” Well, I feel like doing things for yourself gives you the opportunity to act on that kind of thought which can go either good or bad! But all together it gives you a great enriching experience. Still important to keep the pressure on your timeline even when you love the process. People will procrastinate if there isn’t a deadline or the deadline is way far away. You should make short term goals but make sure they are realistic, too many missed deadlines will cause stress and destroy morale and motivation because “you failed”
It doesn’t suck burning the midnight oil when it’s for yourself, the trick is to find the balance where you have an entrepreneurial mindset and accountability when your work requires approval/acceptance from your boss/client! When you do it for yourself there is no rush but there is a hunger which pulls you to reach the summit and while absorbed at work you lose the sight of time and deadlines became invisible but they are still there in your subconscious
Anything you do in life, do it because you want to… Don’t do anything to please other people because in the end some don’t care anyway or give you a set timeline… When you do things for yourself you tend to be more careful and precise with what you’re doing – Finding purpose the pause. Nature never rushes yet everything gets done.
Timeline is always an unavoidable factor. Difference comes when you do the job which you like and you innovate the process to get this completed within timeline. Crux is, if we are bombarded with jobs, we need to prioritize, Enjoy the journey and trust the process. One has a choice to (re)define success and will have to cope/deal with the consequences of one’s actions.
This mentality should guide both personal and professional developments. The patience, discipline, focus, perseverance, and internal peace cultivated by this mindset cannot be overstated, “Fitting in” has always been the survival instinct of humans. With time, it’s getting worse under the label of “Approval”
Watch your timeline but identify your goal
Nice One Mr Ik, you real did expose alot of things in the write up. I am well informed, at such is good I always do things for my self
Being ur self is the best thing you can do for yaself, cos in the process it will help you to bring out the hidden talent of yourself!it will help you stay focus to aim your aim in life.
Any time wasted can never regain when understand this you will use ur time well
Being myself is the ultimate thing that can give me happiness and inner peace in life.living my life as God created me.like an adage says All that glitters are not gold.Am highly motivated with these pieces and it reminds me to be more focus and persevere. Thanks