40 Encouraging Quotes on Speaking the Truth that Hurts

truth hurts quotes, speaking the truth lies 40 Unpopular Truth Hurts Quotes and the Concept of Truth

Truth hurts quotes: If truth hurts, what then is the truth ?

– Truth is just things being said or illustrated as plain as they are, actions as they happened without any attempt to deviate from the state of being exact. Speaking the truth hurts sometimes or may not look good on a temporary.  These discussion on truth and the truth hurts quotes will provide relief especially if you often insist on the truth.

Oftentimes there are situations where truth is little hard and dicey to speak, times when speaking the truth may hurt and it is necessary that in cases where death isn’t the case, then it’s a momentary outcome. Same truth will always help you boost your energies while spreading positive vibes.

It is Joseph Goebbles who created the propaganda of “repeating a lie enough so that it becomes the truth”,  and many people tend to culture this propaganda but it still only creates, at best, an illusion of truth.

Truth does hurt – if it doesn’t then one hasn’t understood it or accepted it or is The Perfect Human. It’s our ability to digest the hurt and incorporate the learning that makes us a better compatible human.

Sadly, some people today seem comfortable with their pack of lies they told that they have almost forgotten what the truth of that particular event sounds like, there is no remorse at all, If asked what’s it like lying about something to them and their reaction to it “Pretty normal”, there is not an iota of disgust and concern about how it could negatively impact someone.

To cover up a lie, one ends up with more lies, remembering the lies requires a special skill in the same order as it occurred and this is one of the difficulties of the Joseph Goebbles propaganda.

Best bet is always to quote the truth. We don’t need special memory to recall what happened. But this is not same for a compulsive liar who is more convincing concocting a lie and experiences great discomfort staging a truth.

2 things about the truth:
1. The truth hurts
2. The truth will set you free

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40 Truth Hurts Quotes and why Lies Suck

speaking the truth lies 40 Unpopular Truth Hurts Quotes and the Concept of Truth

  • – Truth hurts, lies by omissions can be just as bad, plain lies can abort destiny 
  • – The truth will never change ! Fact, no matter how tough it is 
  • – If we can’t be honest about what the problems are, how do we ever expect to fix them? 
  • – It takes a lot of energy just to come up and maintain a lie. An ugly truth is more helpful than a beautiful lie.
  • – Sadly most of the time the truth is self evident. But when shared it doesn’t always make you friends 
  • – Being upset by a truth is better than being comforted by a lie 
  • – Don’t lie to those who likes to listen to it, they may know the truth already 
  • – Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie 
  • – Lying is usually an effort to make things easier, but it’s almost always short-sighted. Eventually we will have to pay the piper. 
  • – Absolute truth hurts, truth is difficult to digest…absolute lies ends in break up, lies are practical escapes 
  • – Lies are like having a drug dose to temporarily release dopamine in the brain and feel-good 
  • – The most lethal kind of lie is one which we tell ourselves just for a comfort which won’t last long and would have a greater long term negative impact 
  • – Telling lies and keeping them from people around you, pulls you down and will never set you free. 
  • – Lies are hard to remember, the truth you will always know 
  • – The truth is to build trustworthiness and trustworthiness is to build long term
    relationship. Long term relationship is to develop loyalty and do good business.
  • – If its not right – don’t do it. If its not true, don’t say it. Simple. 
  • – The truth may hurt but it enables you to make decisions whereas lies just keep you hanging on

– Quotes on why should you Speak the Truth ?

  • – Too much lies trigger mythmonia 
  • – There is a lot of difference in hiding truth and telling lies – Best not to dig yourself into a hole under any circumstances. 
  • – What is worse; being a liar or a thief? A liar is worse. Do you know why boys? Because a liar “steals” the truth. truth hurts but a liar destroys the world 
  • – Tell the truth or someone else will tell it the way it will hurt you more and eternally 
  • – Better hurt them with a truth than comfort them with a lie 
  • – Truth may hurt for a little but makes you better and stronger, lies just hurt. 
  • – if you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything” – Mark Twain 
  • – Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed. ― Friedrich Nietzsche 
  • – The truth is the right choice, but that choice can also be damaging to the person you want to … But a lie hurts worse when it is discovered, and it may last forever. 
  • – Truth is Like Surgery, it Hurts but Cure.  Lie is like Pain Killer, it Gives Instant Relief, but Side Effects Latter 
  • – It’s so easy to tell the truth..and so hard to keep remembering all those lies. 
  • – Truth can help us correct our mistakes and improve. Lies only take to loss of trust and consequently worsening. 
  • – A Lie is a lie no matter what and how superior it is

On speaking the truth

  • – A lie is an energy thief and a shallow mask. The truth can bite deep. Truth will lead to growth. A lie to stagnation. 
  • – No ideas on how destructive lies are until the music begins to play soundly 
  • – Truth may hurt but it has the capacity to heal, but lies make the condition more pathetic 
  • – It’s better to accept and face the reality rather than being in a state of ignorance – Truth is bitter but have permanent peace of mind in it 
  • – Lies catches impromptu, takes emotions hostage, it questions a thousand truths and that it transforms into artificial what has been lived and felt so far 
  • – Those who speak the truth are children of light and should keep on speaking the truth no matter how much it hurts. Truth will surely prevail. 
  • – When you acknowledge the truth, you can deal with whatever unpleasantness that may entail and then you are in the clear, without having compromised your integrity. This goes both for lying to others as well as lying to ourselves, which is just as common if not more-so. 
  • – Life cannot be lived upon a finite number of artificially-triggered sensations. The antibiotic of truth, though bitter, is critical to alleviate negativity and chemicals from within, cleansing the entire system for the long run. 
  •  – If you want to be trusted, be honest. Always 
  •  – If you have nothing honest to say, don’t say anything at all

Understanding the effect of truth on personality

It can take years to build trust through honesty and only a few minutes to destroy it through lying. And even white lies can have devastating consequences. We are living in a society where lies are now becoming the new truth. Lies are generally becoming more acceptable even in higher echelons as alternative facts. It is difficult, almost impossible in today’s world to get the truth in anyway. In every story, one need to extract the truth because almost all stories are lies from the onset. Truth is supposed to come naturally, we do not have to dig for it.

Motivational Monday Nuggets, Quotes and Inspiring Notes

Honesty and truth are two virtues we all should practice always in our life, It makes such a difference on one’s peace of mind because no matter what happens in life if we are always honest and trustworthy, people will respect and believe knowing our past history and character.

It is true there are people who lie and cheat to get what they want but they’ll eventually be found out and despised especially if they had discredited other people’s character for their own benefits.

The truth always comes out in the end and the fallout is always much worse than if one had been honest from the get go.

1 Comment

  1. L”ying is usually an effort to make things easier, but it’s almost always short-sighted. Eventually we will have to pay the piper.”

    Read a few of these quotes.

    Feels so good to start my day with them.

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