Start Enjoying and Trusting the Process
Everyone is trying to prove something with final results or showing that they bought something. Instead, prove that you’re in love with the process. There is no end to innovation and growth. The process will continue and the best thing is to move with it and of course start enjoying and trusting the process. We don’t need to prove anything to anyone! We just need to prove it to ourselves.
Trust that the seeds you are planting will one day come to fruition. The more you believe in them and put forth the action to cultivate them, the better the chances they have of becoming a beautiful garden.
While patience is one of the hardest qualities to cultivate, it’s also one of the most worthwhile. With patience, you can see that everything is shifting and changing. You don’t need to blow around like a tree in the wind all the time when life goes in its interesting directions because you know in time it will sort itself out again.
If you’re impatient, you’ll never get the chance to stick with something long enough to receive the blessing of digging the same place. It’s in the depths that you get to reach that treasure.
Be patient. Things will come around. Keep tending to that garden. Keep planting the seeds of your future. In a few years you will most definitely arrive at a place. Make sure you like where you arrive.
Enjoy the journey by trusting the process and understanding that the target destination is just the beginning of the next journey. There is a fine line in there. Often, the journey can become uncomfortable and awkward but trust the journey and keep going. You’ll put on the light that’ll shine at the end of the tunnel.
The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It’s the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun.
It’s about faith in the process and what it can bring you if you walk (or run) with it. It’s instinct and how every external opinion is putting it down. What you’ve got to do is follow your gut. It has neurons.
Yes, the truth remains that sometimes there is a lot of pressure that needs to be managed correctly. The journey becomes harshly difficult, frustrating, and sometimes, offers us the option of just quitting and taking the easy road. But one must learn to find joy in the chapters in-between the beginning and the end, which gives immense relief and mitigated stress. Focusing on just getting from point A to point B to prove something without enjoying the process makes no sense.
The ingredients assembled for a cake is so strange, considering the end result…
Result is important but is so much dependent on your trust in the process and the means to get there. See it as a design, and it would propel you forward to get to it. The results are magnified by the attention paid to the process so much that you can tell immediately if there’s a slack in the process. Genuine discovery is available at the end if great concentration is given to the process and not so much on the result.
For example, when you go on a road trip, I think it’s important to enjoy the view: the mountains, the rivers, and the interesting things you’ll see until you reach your destination. That’s what enriches your journey.
In life, you gotta learn to enjoy the emotions, the ups and downs, knowing you’ll get there if you don’t quit and when you achieve goal, be sure to celebrate, even if it’s in a little way. Don’t grind and hustle to impress, do it for yourself. On the other hand, dress to impress. Achieving life’s goal is a journey that takes time. We can’t warp time and space to get where we want to go, and even if we could, we’d miss out on so much on the way.
One who enjoys the journey will never feel tired when they reach the destination.
Being in love with the process is like being in love with a girl. You bring in all the insecurities, the bullshit and the delusions from the marriage of your parents. Your own preconceptions, yet you have to get rid of all of them, and then, not only go through the process, but keep the fire burning and keep your bullshit at bay.
Sincerely, if you can’t find the joy in trusting the process, you’re on the wrong journey. Stop trying to keep up with the Jones’. Everyone has their time. For some it is sooner than later. Be the best you can be, treat people fairly, and try to leave a positive impact. That is when you are truly successful.
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Trust the process.
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