Staying Strong and Positive
Things will be better soon, hopefully. Stay strong for yourself. Start now to stop complaining about the state of things. Do the little you can to make it better. Be the actor and not a spectator. Take the wheel, start moving or keep waiting for someone else to take it and you will have to move at their own pace and in their direction.
There is this phrase in Hindi, “Umeed par duniya kaayam hai” which means “The world holds on to hope”. Life is a roller-coaster, enjoy the highs and get through the lows, but most of all, continue moving forward. Remember that you’ve survived every difficult day you’ve had and now all you need is to stay strong and hold on a little more.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, which is why we call it the present. When we bask in the comfort of the peace that surpasses all understanding, there’s always hope. Expect good deeply and you will attract it, because in the end what you believe is how you behave. Hope is a cheerleader for faith but remember faith without work is dead. Get a goal, figure a plan, work daily, stay strong, and pray always.
To do better is better than to be perfect.
– Toba Beta
Taking care of yourself matters. Doing a good quality of work is crucial. Treating others good is a must also. In order to be an effective part in a hopeful world, you should do certain things: never lose hope and always look forward for things to get better and to a fulfilled tomorrow. If we will trust the process, and have faith in our efforts, the situation will change. As Jack Maa said, “Today is bad, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow is sunshine.”
Handling Tough Times for Things to get Better
Sometimes things are so difficult, but you must stay positive, have patience and apply persistence for it to be better. Things can only get better and you are the one who can make sure of it. No matter how hard it is, never give up. Yes, self-trust should be there, be patient, remain confident and never give up. Each and every millisecond counts. So be prepared and equipped to relish the sweet moments awaited. Your destination is lying ahead of you, stay strong and be positive to get there with confidence.
Embrace the shit. Bad stuff happens to everyone. If we tackle our problems head on, it tells a lot more about our character, rather than avoiding them and “hoping” for the best. Definitely there will be a sunrise after a long dark night. Let’s keep patience and do our best with eternal hope.
Be optimistic and raise the hopes in front of your eyes and it will be a truth in your subconscious and reality. Have patience, things will definitely get better and everything will be fine. Everything does happen for a reason, we just need to focus and try to do our best. Life is a constant cycle of ups and downs, some are way longer than others, but eventually, all must turn.
The best happens for those who retains a positive mindset and take the best action in each and every circumstance of their lives, so stay strong and keep pushing.
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