Adding (+1) Mark, The Conscientious Marking Task Teachers Face on adding extra marks to students.
Assessment is meant to be an objective process, but the human behind the process makes it largely subjective.
Someone said a student that scored 69 is as good as the one that scored 70, really? Also consider the impact of the above on the CGPA of the student:
NB: 60 – 69 is B
70 – 100 is A
39 is F
40 is pass
A teacher could feel 69 can be left without a 1 added, if in truth it doesn’t earn a 1 mark more. This is because of the purpose of assessment. It’s meant to reflect the TRUE ability of a student. It’s important that the student understands that he is a B student, and needs to work harder to become an A, than to dance and rejoice in the euphoria of a grade he didn’t earn, which can make him relax and even score much more less in the next assessment process.
For a 39 score, there can be a lot of subjectivity in place. If the teacher is aware of the efforts the student has put in place to get to that point, there might be a reconsideration. An additional mark to keep the students’ hopes up might be needed, especially for motivation and positive reinforcement. For this option, the teacher needs to clearly know where the student is coming from, and also understand the challenges.
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If a student scores a 69, he/she has passed. It’s not the same as a 39, for which he/she fails. Some teachers may or may not even bother with the 69. However, if the student had had a perfect score up until that point, and that would ruin his/her chances, giving a +1 mark could be highly considered. Again, it depends the individual’s(marker) respective values.
The purpose of examination is to objectively evaluate a student’s performance. The +1 or +2 or +5 additional marks given to an individual or selected students is a very subjective approach.
When teachers become subjective in performance evaluation, it could also threaten the integrity of the entire process.
In reality, many teachers don’t like scores in that form (i.e. 39, 49, 59, 69). They face a conscience battle of if to add or not to. But having realized that every additional effort one puts in to work gives the extra marks needed, external efforts of the student could play a role
I am a fan of numbers. When I see my 69, I may weep but it tells me a lot. It helps me work on my strategies. It helps me analyse my effort. Numbers are more helpful in planning when you eliminate human interference.
Examination is meant to evaluate students performance. Grading students based on their performance in test or examination doesn’t entirely satisfy the purpose of evaluation.
As a teacher, you have to test your students based on the 3 domains of learning which an examination cannot cover. So while marking, you have to reflect on their performance in class and this attracts something. It also helps the teacher identify some of the challenges his/her students are facing.
Some student will be very vibrant in all class activities but when it comes to examination, their performance will be bad. While some won’t really participate actively in class but they will do well in examination.
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Knowing the individual differences of students will help the teacher to guide them properly. Education is meant to bring about a relative positive change in behavior. The 1 mark should be decided based on various attributions, as a result of their performance in class activities and to those that needs it to progress to the next grade.
It should not be difficult to give 1 mark to a student who has consistently shown brilliance in academic works to earn 70% and attain “A grade” needless to apply same measure to someone who is struggling for “let my people go” but still shows no seriousness.
Even approximation is a subject in everyday arithmetic aspect of mathematics which is applied in our daily life. Giving extra marks might be subjectively agreed but after all, there are cases of waivers of courses, most especially in the final year in higher institutions.
Finally, while assessment for learning can be subjective due to human interplays, due diligence must be done on every one mark (not earned) that is added.
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On a very lighter note, as a teacher, would you score your student 69 or add 1 to the score? Ditto for 39!
If no, why?
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nop wouldn’t consider bcoz I have already added a general mark which he ’39’ benefitted from it…
2k Ken. Thanks for reading.
Quite revealing. Your discretion is nice, wouldn’t you not consider those who score 39 ?
The last time I checked examination is not a true test of knowledge some pick up their books only when there is a test/quiz or exams…
I set my conscience straight when marking scripts… like before I start making if I decide to give free 5mrks it’s definitely for everyone except those that score 70. So U don’t expect me to give some sets of students extra 1mrk just to meet up with some grade… ??
Hhaha, What about a 39 ?
I won’t score him or her 70 instead of 69 because it will tally with the persons that scores 70 when cumulating the percentage
Would you change your entire marking format for a script ?
For your question at the last paragraph, I as a teacher won’t score my student who got 69, 70.
I will do that unless I decide to add 1 mark each to every other student.
Adding 1mark to only him will be seen as cheating others who got lesser scores.
For your question at the last paragraph, I as a teacher won’t score my student who got 69, 70.
I will do that unless I decide to add 1 mark each to every other student.
Adding 1mark to only him will be seen as cheating others who got lesser scores.