Technology In Our Life and Our everyday activity – What has actually changed – HEADNG
Technology our life nowadays, we are all surrounded by modern interconnected devices. Those devices have access to the entire world, and they are as small as your palm.
Just a few centuries ago, the ability to talk to someone thousands of miles away or produce a clear image of China while you are living in the United States was considered to be witchcraft.
It is almost magical for people back then to think that it is possible for a group of people to talk face-to-face without being physically together.
Now, these superpowers are taken for granted. Not many people can appreciate such wonders these technologies have brought to our lives.
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Technological advancement has brought us very far indeed. We made things a lot easier for us, for we are both social and lazy creatures.
We discovered medicine and anatomy so surgeons can operate on patients and cure disease more effectively. Then, we thought that operating by hand is too hard, so we invented a device that helps surgeons operate on patients. We evolved from walking on four legs to two legs.
Previously, legs were the best form of transportation, until we invented a way not to walk through the creation of iron horses (cars) and metallic tube that is heavier than air but can soar high like the birds.
Now, it may sound even mundane to talk about how planes fly, but try to explain that to the people in the medieval age how they managed to get thousands of people around the globe in about three days and you can see their brain explode.
We cannot deny just how useful technology has been in our lives. As mentioned earlier, we have taken them for granted. We care less about how it works than what it does. Everything has its own price, after all.
There are many examples in the past. Misuse of medicine leads to the evolution of horrendous diseases known as super-bugs. People abuse drugs meant to relieve pain.
Communication, while allowing a teenager to talk to his long distance girlfriend thousands of miles away, takes him away from his family members sitting just feet away from him at the dinner table.
Horses initially thought to be the best Wi-Fi you can have before the invention of telecommunication and cars, now became obsolete. Factory workers, fishermen, as well as farmers, are being replaced with machines at an alarming rate.
They cannot compete against machines that can do a lot more work for a fraction of the cost both money and time-wise. Therefore, you cannot deny that technological advancement brings with itself the change in society and the way of life as a whole.
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