The Sleeping Habit of Successful People You may never Hear or Read

sleeping well The Sleeping Habit of Successful People You may never Hear of

Sleeping Well is a Rich Person Habit

Yes!! People always hear successful people sleeping only 3 or 4 hours but success doesn’t come from working all the time it comes from working with a brain and body that is thriving, with the energy that is built up from rest.

It’s amazing to how many people say that they work 20 hours and brag about it. The reality is that, unless you’re superhuman it’s very difficult to focus 100% on something for that long without fatiguing. It seems like these people that brag about how long and hard they work and how little sleep they got the night before or this week and they wear it as some kind of badge of honor.

People seem to have a total misconception of what working hard entails, or how staying up is needed at all cost to “find time”. Not to mention this toxic belief that feeling tired, busy and overwhelmed at all times is a sign of success.

No, completely, absolutely, emphatically disagree with anyone saying that success requires:
– Waking up early
– Sacrificing sleep
– Working all the time
– Sacrificing any semblance of personal life

Discipline does not mean cutting sleep. You can’t go hard if you’re tired. You can’t be as productive. You can’t be as creative. Sleep is the foundation to the rest of the day. If you don’t prioritize it then you don’t prioritize your productivity or other activities for the day. Sleep deep and soundly then crush it when you get up.

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This is something paradox or opposite from many principles about hustle and grinding out there in the ecosystem. Where most of those principles seems sending message about sleep less and grind/hustle more. It is not about the number of hours you sleep (but don’t take it over too) but it is about how hard you grind and hustle when you are awake

Sleep wherever possible – if you don’t look after your body and mind, you’re no good to anyone. Unless you are a perpetual motion machine, you shouldn’t be getting less than 6 hours a sleep a night. If you want your body and mind to operate at optimal efficiency, they need that recharge time.

Along those lines, eating correctly is part of the equation, but so is sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep over long periods of time, your body produces high levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Your body will not digest or process food optimally with high levels of cortisol running through it. Cortisol overload doesn’t just affect your weight; it also affects your emotions and your reasoning ability as well.

Like Mike Shinoda wrote for Fort Minor song Be Somebody
“We don’t sleep to dream, we sleep to build stamina
Energy to do our thing, get your camera
‘Cause this ride is about to begin
Sit down and buckle it in, let me say it again”

Sleep is a vital factor for success. If you really struggle to go to bed at a decent time what I would recommend for others is the Bedtime Alarm on your phone. You set the time you want to go to bed and the time that you would like to wake up and during those hours you will receive zero notifications and they will come through once you turn your alarm clock off the next morning. It is amazing. No distractions. No notifications. Plenty of well-deserved to sleep to thrive the next morning.

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Practice self-care at whatever expense. Otherwise, become a shell of self and completely non-functional. Sleep is one of the most important things in life. It has countless benefits to overall health and well being but is often times under utilized. Each individual is different but ultimately Sleep helps the body repair the damage caused by stresses of life in general. The better quality sleep a body receives the more alert and awake you are to be able to go at each day hard

Sleeping literally cleans the brain of all the gunk that neurons produce during the day. It’s essential to sleep at least 6 hours to have impact on cognitive abilities. It’s the single most important tool for maximum performance. It is an essential thing that we most human beings don’t realize. I always ensure that my body gets sufficient sleep. Incorporating good sleeping habits like not going to the bedroom with a phone is one good strategy, to begin with.

People need to understand that hustle takes energy, and to be our best we have to recharge ourselves with proper sleep and good food. Sleep is so important to fully reaching your potential when awake. Not to mention being healthier, more productive, more alert, more emotionally aware etc. You should care about what you do with your time when you’re awake. Working hard has nothing to do with sleeping less. It’s just working smart and doing proper time management.

It’s all about balance. Find It.

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