Wheelchair car: The tiny car designed for wheelchairs users.
– So many disabled are completely cut off from the world because of mobility issues and end up having human contact only when people come to them or online, so this would be Ingenious and big win for handicapped needing a wheelchair. Unfortunately, the vehicle has limited capabilities. It wouldn’t be compatible with a Midwest or Northeastern Winter unless the wheels could be swapped out for lunar style tracks, and a weight stack supplemented for additional traction
Great invention but while this does solve the “purpose”, it doesn’t do justice “emotionally and socially” – One, it makes the specially abled person travel in a different type of car (which is not a normal design) and Second, how about a seat for companion? The design doesn’t support normal features, so how is it going to be loved by specially abled people. I think it would probably fail meeting expectations. If anyone is coming up with a design, they should come up with something that makes somebody’s life “normal” first.
Every wheelchair user will be extremely glad just to see the auto manufacturers offer a replaceable steering wheel that houses the break and acceleration features using today’s drive by wire technology.
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This is nonetheless a great idea and very cute but, it doesn’t seem to have the same capacity for vehicle safety that’s mandated by DOT. For front, rear or side crashes, someone in a wheel chair would have a much higher risk for fatality. Hope the manufacturer has taken upon themselves to take it to the next level for safety. Maybe 360 degree air bags?
Nevertheless, If this is compared to today’s electric mobility scooters, it looks like a big improvement. It keeps you out the weather, goes fast enough to keep up with traffic and you are in a position that means you don’t feel too vulnerable on the road.
Wait, $25000 for a car with no storage that looks like half a fiat 500 and looks as high risk as a smart car. Does it have front or side impact protection? disabled people often are poor and this is possibly overpriced for the cohort of people whom it is meant to help. Although it is a good idea in principle and looks very sweet, I have to say that this is not in my opinion a viable option for many underprivileged people with mobility issues sadly.
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This is a great idea, but should be called a weather protected wheel chair. I just could not see the car – looks to me more like a golf cart using lead acid batteries, lower current, longer period. Again great idea and easily accessible, Existing wheelchair vans are so clumsy. people would like to see a 2 person variant of this product however, as a single person car has never been a sensible design solution; people have friends, pets, groceries to carry. Rear loading via the ramp is a wonderful feature, and handlebar steering takes it back to the original “woman’s cars” of 1900.
“It is good” It could be better, this looks degrading than helpful in comparison to what is already available. People shouldn’t be loaded into the back of a car like a horse. Plus anything bigger than a skip is a threat to the existence of that vehicle and anyone in it.
The practicality of it seems flawed, the idea is creative. but I don’t think anyone could justify paying $25k+ for something that has a top speed of 28 mph on public roads with 68 miles of charge and no room for groceries/passengers…
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