The Boss And Employee Respect Indices and the importance of self respect
Respect : a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
Respect for others and towards own self is gradually been erased in this modern lifestyle. I think respect should be key part of each society. Respect for each other tastes, preferences, choices. Many people fail to realize that we have to respect all including cleaners, cooks, waiters, drivers, gatekeepers , gardeners etc, for us to truly earn respect
Treating others with respect shows at the first place who you are. Showing respect for someone means showing admiration to the person. Respect is the highest ethical degree for human communication.
Yes, but don’t confuse respect and politeness with letting them take advantage of you. Stand your ground! Respect and Trust are always earned by extending them to others!
No matter your age, experience and status, if you are someone who respects others out of habit more opportunities open up for people and what’s more? You start a chain of maturity. Because respectfulness is contagious
Dear Bosses: There is so much respect in getting credit alerts as at when due too. It is inspiring and motivating.
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No one is due respect because of their title or because they say so. You earn respect and it is earned by treating others the way you would want to be treated as the old saying goes. You get back what you give.
You may want to disagree. saying this works well in theory, In some view, It is more complicated way to earn respect to act like you share your sympathy with themselves. People treat their own motivation as the no.1 need. You may respect others, but if you failed to identify their goals, they will think that you misjudge this ability’s meaning.
But Agree Manners cost nothing! They go hand in hand with being respectful with this and don’t forget about self respect too. As the saying goes, who goes comes around. There are some things money cannot buy among them is respect.
It’s time to ask your heart to make some room and start wearing your self-respect on your sleeve too.
Here are my personal top 5 ways to help build up the respect in yourself.
1 – Don’t let other people’s opinions affect you
2 – Always stick to your own moral codes
3 – Never speak negatively about yourself
4 – Increase your knowledge
5 – Always keep your promises
You may want to add 6, 7, 8 …. which will definitely include minding your business, cutting your coat with what’s available to you, etc
For me personally, I think it’s difficult to show respect to others if you are lacking self-respect.
Learning about self-respect is understanding that you are no less than anyone else and you too are worthy of love and respect.
Self respect and love to one’s self is the basic component for self esteem. You can’t give love and respect to others if you don’t know how to love and respect yourself. It is important to not confuse self love and self respect with narcissism and ego-centrism.
A friend once said, “I must confess, much against my conviction, at age 66/67 I am beginning to wonder if respecting morons becomes toxic in the third world context. Moreover, if its a failing setting full of annoying zealots”. Lol … if they don’t show respect, we should keep our integrity intact, it is their problem if they fail to show, but we should not lower our standard.
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Mentally strong people are focused on the positive side of life. They spend their energy on self-improvement, and that is why they tend to spot those traits from others that they can emulate for the better. Strong people who live with conviction and sincerity see the good in others and learn from others’ mistakes without spreading the dark around. They are busy thinking and planning big.
there are no parameters on how you want to be treated. Everyone of us would love to be respected, loved and if you want it for yourself, you need to have the same perspective for others. You can’t clap with one hand. It’s give and take.
Many think respect is just given, respect is earned. You should always be polite and thoughtful of others, by doing this you will earn respect. No doubt “A man is guardian of his own respect”. Education system clear logic. But behavior develop the ethics which is part of culture.
We must never forget our true greatness, and so reflect this in our outward attitude of respect which is rooted in humility and wonder. Showing respect for others is one of life’s greatest learning experiences. When you respect someone or something, you are opening your mind and body to unlimited opportunities for personal growth. Agree! Some don’t return respect even when you treat them with respect!
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5 things no one deserves
1. Fake friends
2. Being ignored
3. Lies
4. Getting hurt
5. Facing problems alone
What everyone deserves deserves instead:
1. To have loyal friends
2. To be treated kindly
3. To be given the truth
4. To be given a fair chance
5. To be given an opportunity to make a difference
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