How A Separated Filipina Woman Made Herself and Children Proud
I have five(5) siblings, 4 other women and a man, totaling 6 kids for my parents. My eldest sister died at the age of seven(7)
When she died, I stepped up as the eldest in a relatively poor home. My mother had a store and my father was a boatman. He transferred tourists most of them Americans and other nationalities to Corregidor island back and forth.
Though we were poor, I am very proud of my parents because they were able to send us all to college and finish degrees except for my only brother.

He was around our Dad at work and enjoyed helping my father in transporting tourists fro and to Corregidor island .
Being the eldest called for tougher work from me, during my elementary grades and high school levels, I did hard labour to help my parents because my siblings were still very young. During these times, I gathered firewood in the bush after school time everyday, I went to the woods to gather firewood because I always need to stock before the rainy season and I made sure that we had enough in stock knowing it’s hard to cook when the firewood is wet.
I don’t have beautiful legs like other beautiful women do because I always got hurt by thorns when I gather firewood.
I got married to a coast guard who only visited me to stay for 1 or 2 days in a month. He only gave me kids, I am a woman who easily got pregnant. Still he would not give me money, I was the one who sacrificed much to carter for my 3 kids.
Thanks to God I was a teacher. I had a fixed salary that even though it is not enough still was able to raise and send my kids to school until they finished college. I had one daughter and 2 sons.
My daughter is a chemical engineer and got married to an American-Filipino US navy, Now her husband is retired and they have 2 girls and a boy. They have small family business company in Las Vegas.
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My daughter got my back always and that’s why I was able to go to America. My second baby is a boy. He has been a flight attendant for Emirates Airlines in almost 20 years. He is a gay but when you look at him he doesn’t look like a gay . He has already partner in his life. His partner is a gay too but they are both rich.
They both have good work and receive high salaries. Then my youngest child is a boy. When I gave birth to my youngest son he was very sickly maybe because I don’t have enough vitamins and good food to eat cause during that time I was financially needy to support my kids, sending them to school and properly raise them at a time my salary was too small. I had loans to be deducted from my salary. It was very hard for me during that time but I thank God I was able to overcome all my hardships and sacrifices.
My daughter and my second child have good families, good work and salaries. But my youngest cause he was very sickly when I gave birth to him has only finished second year in college. He had a girlfriend and they have an 11-year-old daughter. He was working and then decided to have a partner in his life.
His partner was an undergraduate of nursing because her parents had no enough money to continue and finish her college. I decided to sponsor her to college to finish her nursing course. I even sent her to review center so that when she take a board examination for nursing she will pass, Luckily she passed the exam but surprisingly I didn’t hear a thanks for her.
Now she has a good job in Qatar. After one year in Qatar she went home in the Philippines. We even gave help to her family when we were still together. Now that she had found a good job in Qatar and has filed for separation, She took her daughter from my son, My granddaughter loves me and her daddy (my youngest son) much. She texted me and her daddy often and we give her everything she wants.
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I went home because my son is just alone in the house and I want him to give a moral support. Now he found another woman with same very bad attitude. She doesn’t even respect me, My son needs me and my moral support cause he said that he is not lucky when it comes to love-life. I told him maybe that’s what you got from me
When I was in Las Vegas, I also visited my youngest sister in Jacksonville Florida. I stayed with her and her family for more than 2 years, She was hospitalized. When I decided to back home to the Philippines last January. She was very kind and loving to me, same with her husband and their only one kid. He is now 21 years old and has a good job. He is a director in one of a very expensive home for the aged in Jacksonville Florida .
My youngest sister and my brother in-law in Jacksonville Florida, USA both work for Coca Cola Company. my youngest sister is the one supporting my mother here in the Philippines. my mother is going to celebrate her 90th birthday and my sister wants to have a nice birthday party for her.
I don’t have enough knowledge in use of gadgets or modern day technological advances, I don’t know how to drive either. It’s my youngest son that drives me. I don’t know how to use computers even.
I only used my time in working hard waiting till when my grown up kids finish their college and find good jobs, I also helped my nephews and nieces. I sponsored them to college too. They were four in number, 3 of them are successful with one of them already married, These three(2 nephews and 1 niece) were the kids of my second sibling.
My second sibling died when she gave birth to her youngest twin daughter . Her husband was very irresponsible like my husband too, My sister was very skinny cause she was always hurt by her husband until she died.
We advised her to separate from her husband but she didn’t like cause she loved her husband much, When my sister died, I told her when she was in a casket that I’m gonna help her kids. that’s why I sent her kids to school until they finished college. My parents also helped them. They stayed and grew up with my parents cause their father got remarried when my sister died.
Luckily these 3 were very successful. The eldest is an architect and have a good job in Thailand . He is the one helping his siblings now. He sponsors his youngest sister to college. On the 3rd week of this month his brother and the youngest sister will visit him in Thailand. His youngest sister will spend her vacation with him and his brother will work with him.
Since my childhood, even when I got married I only spent my time working hard for my kids . Only house chores and work, My “flight attendant” son gave me money before . I told him to stop . I told him to save money for him. Cause he will not stay as flight attendant forever until he got old. I told him to save money and invest for his future.
I told my kids that it is my obligation as their mother to raise them as good citizens and sons of God and send them to school until they finish college. have good job and happy family. I told them that I am used to earning money on my own. To buy for my needs and food.
For now I help my youngest son to finish his own house so that when he finds a good wife or a good partner in his life he has his own house now. And never depend on his siblings. I told my kids to earn on their own .
Even though my husband was very irresponsible, very selfish I never taught my kids to hate their father instead give them love when my husband was still alive. I and my youngest son took care of my husband for 15 days in the hospital when he was hospitalized of his colon cancer . Me and my youngest son went to their place . And stayed in the hospital for 15 days.
When my husband about to die in his sick bed, he cried much and asked forgiveness from me, my daughter, sons, and mother
For now, it’s just me and my youngest son in the house . When he is done building his house, he will transfer in his own house and hopefully find a very kind woman in his life. I advice my youngest son to find a kind heart woman. I don’t like the attitude of his present girlfriend.
I am very kind, loving, caring and honest woman. I respect people so much. When I was in Jacksonville Florida USA my youngest sister were hospitalized and she didn’t want me to go home. She wants me to stay with them. But I decided to go home cause my son is just alone in the house and needs my moral support to guide him .
My youngest sister and her family were very kind to me. But I need to go home for my youngest son. When my youngest son finishes his own house then I can decide on my own. But for now I’m enjoying my stay here in the Philippines and my fruit store, I love people here around me cause they respect me much and even all my friends.
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