Improving Your Mind For Calmness
The most difficult thing is to control your mind, it is important to note that panic ignites so many bad mechanisms, If you train your mind to be calm in any situation, you have a tremendous advantage but how do you train your mind, when the mind itself is at charge most of the time. Mind always feels the problem is somewhere out there whereas most challenges begins with the mind itself. Improving your mind for general calmness is therefore an everyday intentional practice.
The ability to stay calm in any situation is such a tremendous skill – the ones that make the best decisions and can recover quickest are the ones that can stay calm. It starts with getting that mind right – staying positive, building self-confidence, and believing that no matter what happens, you can and will adjust.
Here are my personal 8 tips on how to generally improve calmness
- Slow down. If possible, don’t react immediately. …
- Stay positive. When stressful situations occur, your mind may go in a thousand directions and some of your thoughts may be negative.
- Never ask “what if ?”
- Take care of your body.
- Limit caffeine.
- Call a trusted friend or mentor.
- Disconnect.
- Develop a coping strategy.
It looks difficult to start but once you start applying it becomes habit… key is declutching your mind, It is a hard work to get to that point, but definitely achievable! When you’re calm, you’re not caught up in emotions that may lead to bad decisions. Seeing a situation objectively will enable you to use wisdom when choosing next steps. A great way to learn to be calm is through practice.
Reflective Verses of Our Wrong Doings
Having a calm mind is completely different from trying to look physically calm while your mind is storming, So the first step in training the mind is to find time when it is at its lowest so that it surrenders to your intention and let you take charge of training itself – when it says I have done enough, now you take charge.
Solve this puzzle and you would notice, you are calm anyway, it is the mind that takes away your calm, with its own tricks, which it has perfected over the years! . People in control of their emotions are better able to lead a team through a crisis. Are more productive. Are better coaches and managers. Live a better life.
Top 5 ways to Help Build Up the Respect in Yourself
A friend once told me that If a person remains calm after they:
- walk through a spider web in the dark
- have a hornet fly down their shirt while driving
- drinks a bee that flew into their coca cola
Then he classifies them as scary friends. that was a joke that could also serve as pointing out when one has become dangerously calm.
Always stay focused all the way on the actual situation that develops, like during surgery, and go step by step with strong self confidence and always be open for advice from the surgical team members, but decide yourself on the next step. And like my father learned me, think positive and constructive under any difficult situation. Think, I will succeed, with the heart of a lion.
When you remain calm you stand a better chance of making better decisions. If you ever refer or umpire youth sports for example, This is a real-world example where you will need to remain calm in any situation. With every pitch or play, coaches, parents and fans yell, situations arise, and your conflict resolution skills need to be on point. With every call, 50% of people love you, while the other 50% boo and yell.
“Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.”
– Dalai Lama
Perceptions can be so dangerously wrong and being too calm in a disastrous situation can project disinterest, Experience counts for a lot too. If you don’t have experience, then have a strategy to maintain your calm. This will only work if you know you are about to put yourself into a situation. So if you are about to go into a difficult meeting, take time out to ask yourself “what is your strategy?” Once that is defined in your mind ask yourself the “what if?” questions. That way you have clearly defined what is to be achieved at the meeting. If your discussions go off track you have the answers to your “what if” questions to draw upon. The rest is down to instinct and experience.
if you can’t control your emotions, you can’t control your money – Warren Buffett
The way you train your thought processes gives you that advantage and calm If you do not know that you are about to encounter a situation, then instinct and experience are all you have to fall back on. Like the time my front left hand wheel came off my Land Rover on a busy motorway near Manchester and my vehicle was suddenly only three wheeled……but that’s another story!
People don’t understand what mental peace can do. Almost all of the problems you are facing right now would turn upside down if you look them with a calm mind. Enthusiasm however, is a great ally in responses. Positivity in the face of adversity is a wonderful attribute and you don’t have to be born with it, it can be trained and become habitual.
Constructive Criticism as an Effective Motivational Tool
Being calm doesn’t help all situations though. Reactions occur naturally in the body to warn of impending possible dangers. Being calm helps in a lot of situations for sure but definitely not in all situations. Sometimes keeping calm in situations where you have moments to react will only be detrimental.
It really tests the emotional intelligence of the individual to read the situation and remain calm but incredibly empowering when it is mastered.
Control your mind and you control where you end up in life.
This is exactly what i lack
Thanks for this tips it helpful
2k Valina
I understand but it isn’t that easy especially when going through emotional trauma.
This is exactly what I lack ?(calmness)
But the say practice makes perfect. I will keep trying.?
I understand but it isn’t that easy especially when going through emotional trauma.
But the say practice makes perfect. I will keep trying.