Who and who Make up your Circle of Friends?

circle of friends

If your circle of friends is small, does that mean you prefer quality over quantity?

Not necessarily. While a big circle of friends might indicate that you prefer quantity over quality, the other way round does not necessarily apply. You might have a small circle of minor or even inferior quality of friends as well.

As you grow older you will find out that trust isn’t guaranteed. If you have just one person in your inner circle that you can trust with your life, you should feel very blessed. In life, it’s always advisable to choose your circle of friends because your decision will go a long way to make or mar you.

A facebook friend, Cynthia Valerian Raphaels wrote: As you move forward in life, you may need to change your circle of friends. Everyone around you isn’t interested in seeing you improve.

What does it Mean to Have a Small Circle?

This isn’t the same thing in all cases. Your circle may be big and you’ll still have both quality and quantity. When we talk about small, big, quality and quantity, these terms are relative and dependent on every individual’s perspective. The most important thing is to identify what works best for us as individuals.

Knowing fully well that we are addressed by the company we keep. Nevertheless, having a small circle could make our bond stronger as we would have more time to spend around the clique. Even Albert Einstein submitted that, our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.

However, knowing a lot of people or having a massive circle of friends and hanging out with all of them from time to time doesn’t mean quantity, it depends on the people you choose to interact with. There are some people you don’t see for ages but when you do, you actually have quality time interacting because you have something to talk about, stories to tell, and ideas to share.

How do we get good value from our friendships?

Specifically, it is the quality of one’s character that brings out the quality of time or bond formed. Personally, I love to have a large number of people around me. I love to meet people and connect with them, but you see friendship? It can only be strong with just a few like-minded people.

But rest assured that even in a circle of three or four friends, no matter how small, there would always be a Judas. So I’d rather just have like-minded people, people who can help me grow, people I can learn from and vice versa. More is not merrier if quality is low!

Quality matters, no doubt. But if you are entrepreneur or you’re running a business, you have to be social. You need quantity of people to be around you. Therefore, a person should decide whether he should look for quality or quantity or both depending on his/her need.

In your view, what does it mean to have a small circle of friends? Is it a guaranty for quality friendship?

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