Alpha-Omega Yeshua, He lives in us, His Holy Spirit Filled Chosen People… Christ sent His Spirit has to come and tell us His great mystery within His Kingdom Nations Churches. It is written that when Yeshua ascended into heaven He would return in like manner?
(How many Of you will obey God and start helping, supporting this work and labor of faith and love by sending your hearts gifts as the Holy Spirit leads and guides?)
Here is a surprise for His Body and Bride. Before Jesus comes to His Built and Birth Churches, He will come and restore those things that have become waste places. Yes, even in the day of His ascension and years thereafter, wasn’t every stone in the temple thrown down? I say, Jesus is coming to throw the stones of man-made religion and buildings down again.
Jesus coming to take the religious and man built religions and buildings that they have tried to build on His foundation with and the stubble and those things that are not lasting.
He will wipe them from His foundation, sweep it clean, and then Yeshua the King will restore you who are Acts 2:36-39 believers His born of water and Spirit. Because we are Yeshua Jesus house, He will restore us, for the households His bride that He come for.
It’s His bride that Jesus Christ is coming for without spot or wrinkle! Therefore, you understand why Christ must come and purge we His Church Body, purify God’s sons and daughters, throw down the things that are not of Yeshua Jesus.
Christ our King and Lord will take the doctrines of demons and the doctrines of men and cast them aside, for He has built a holy house of His Brand New Way, Brand New Testament, Brand New Covenant..
I say, His holy living temple, His righteous brothers and sisters, His living, loving Holy Ghost, Speaking with and in New Tongues Sanctuary filled with His very own power, anointing and presence of our heavenly Father, His house filled with Yeshua, Jesus Christ glory, His house filled the understanding of who God Is, in Jesus Christ. I say, expect the miraculous to begin to manifest in your midst as God’s power is exercised among you and in you, We, His sons and His daughters.
This is a day of New Beginnings. Are you not moving into the Old Laws, the Old Ways, the Old Covenants, the Old Testament, the Old Way of giving, the Old Religions! Listen for the sounding of the trumpets in that day that has already been ordained from the foundations of the world. Then, look up, for our King draws nigh.
Haven’t Jesus Christ already begun to show you purpose His family? He has already intercepted our plans. Didn’t He redirect us to establish boundaries in our lives and ministry? Since those boundaries have been established, the evil one has no rights in those places, on the high places that Yeshua Christ have prepared for His chosen people, you and I. Now that those boundaries have been established, haven’t The Holy Ghost redirected us again and asked us to be just like He Is? Didn’t He tell us that we would be His Kingdom of Kings and Priests in God’s household of faith?
Surely, the lying demons have been moved outside of the boundaries that our Blessed Savior , Jesus have established. But, now He’s going to use you to destroy the thrones that still have influence over your territory.
Do you say you want to see souls saved? This is your mission! Do you say you want to see souls set free? This is your mission! Go to the Church first and love and build one another up, His sons and His daughters! Go in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit and pull down strongholds because He’s restoring the Brand New Pathways that We, His Spirit-filled people will walk in the fullness of Yeshua Jesus glory.
Not only has He established our boundaries, but now He placed and put us higher. He sends you to walk in a position of faith in the manifest presence of His power, and by the sword of His Spirit, to route the enemy. The fullness of the purpose that Christ has for you will be revealed step by step as His very own sons and daughters.
This place will experience salvation and revival until the thrones and principalities are destroyed. So, your works are fruitful so that our World when they view or see us and just how we live, they will know how heaven would be. His anointing and Holy Spirit not only reveal purpose, but He also equips those He chose and send.
Today, Our Lord Jesus Christ brings anointing of fire upon you that the sword that He put in your spirit and heart will be an effective weapon against the enemy. He shall flow out of your mouth and be the two-edged sword that Holy Ghost uses to destroy all of your enemies, and they shall fall. Again, I say, go get up, Rise up, Stand up! Anoint yourself; consecrate yourself; take upon yourself the weapons of faith that Christ have given to you. Arise upon the wings of Holy Spirit.
Acts 17:26, “(God) has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their habitation.”
The Lord says I am about to bring My children to higher ground. I am bringing them up to the pastures in the green meadowlands where the grass has not been fowled, where there is still feed to be received, feed that will sustain you, where the cool waters flow. You can come to the place of comfort; you can be nourished and refreshed.
Come to the place where you know me in the heart of the Father. Where we are bound together as one. You and I, for Christ purposes. His purposes are your purposes, for He has predestined you according to that purpose. He’s now leading you into the next phase, the next level as His Kingdom of sons, daughters, priests, and kings.
It is the higher ground where you can be one with Christ in His purpose, in this hour, for such a time as this. And, you would ask me, why? Because it has already been predestined, for He have a day, and the Lord have an hour for all things. In this season and day of that unveiling, all you have to do is be in unison with Christ first and with one another. Jesus Christ will lead you forth into the places that He has prepared for you. He will reveal your destiny to you, and it will unfold before your very eyes. Then, you will say, “WOW! My God has done it again.”
As His faithful and serving anointed and chosen Apostle, I am declaring a war against the enemy. the Holy Ghost is going to use you as God’s sons and daughters. For, there are powers of darkness that are rising up even at this moment.
They have sent their scouts out and have watched and seen your hearts. Seen the anointing that Christ have brought upon you His Churches. They know in part the plans that Christ have for such a place as this, a place of small beginnings.
We are gathering ourselves together in God’s love. The Lord’s biblical unity to come against Satan, his servants, his ministers, his religions that try to steal from us that which Christ our savior have for us. He is raising you up as anointed kings and priests warriors. You will become Jesus Christ weapons of war under His Brand New Testament Covenant. You will go forth and strike the enemy…
Do not be afraid of the enemy, for when we come together in one and as one in Christ our Savior and Lord. We will strike and destroy his evil works and his wicked servants. Amen, His Churches Of Believers.
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